Based on her lived experiences, in this Brown Bag Lecture Anila Noor will share her reflections on the Global Compact on Refugees, and Participation of Refugee of Global Regime.

In 2016, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) hosted a Summit for Refugees and Migrants in New York City: 193 member states met there to address the recent mass movements of refugees and migrants. The summit was about refugees, but on the panels, in the plenary and at press conferences, refugees were noticeably absent. Refugees were not given the opportunity and the support to take part in the discussions for various reasons: No one refugee can represent the multiplicity of refugee experiences, and many feared that refugee representatives would openly criticise UNHCR practices. Since then, something has changed: Especially in the context of the adoption of the Global Refugee Compact 2018, a norm for refugee participation is emerging. It aims to improve international cooperation on refugee issues.

Anila Noor is a refugee-activist and researcher, who lives in the Netherlands. As an advisor, policy influencer for inclusion, diversity and social justice, ecosystem builder, she recently became a member of the European Commission Expert Group. She is currently a fellow in the project “Forced Migration and Refugee Studies: Networking and Knowledge Transfer” (FFVT) at BICC. Also based on her own experiences in the field of forced migration, she advocates in her work for the inclusion of refugees‘ and migrants‘ voices in political decision-making processes. Anila Noor is founder and managing director of “New Women Connectors”, a refugee women-led movement, that aims to empower refuges and (im)migrants, and she is also a steering Board Member of the Global Refugee-led Network Co-founder of European Coalition (GRN).

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Kenncode: 017592

The talk on 1 February 2022 is taking place in the framework of BICC’s Brown Bag Lecture Series “Displacement and Development” which aims to interlink conflict and displacement studies on the one hand and development respectively humanitarian aid-oriented analyses on the other. It takes place in cooperation with the project Forced Migration and Refugee Studies: Networking and Knowledge Transfer (FFVT), funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

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More information: JRF-Institute BICC