Environmentally sustainable consumption is now high on the agenda of researchers and policymakers in rich countries. In low and middle income countries, sustainable consumption is de facto already practiced in various contexts, for instance when it comes to energy saving, shared mobility, decentral digital markets, (informal) repair and recycling services or innovative plastic re-use start-ups. Yet, such practices are often realized in settings of poverty, precarious working conditions and environmental hazards.

This workshop discusses co-benefits of linking sustainable consumption and production in low and middle income countries. Research insights and current best practices from implementing agencies and civil society will be presented. The goal of the workshop is to identify conducive factors, specific opportunities and realistic pathways to unleash a virtuous cycle in which sustainable consumption and production reinforce each other and improve well-being, in line with local development goals.

This policy & practice workshop is part of a broader event on “Up-Scaling co-benefits of sustainable consumption for development”. Please find an updated programme attached.

Day 1: Scientific conference, online
Day 2: Policymakers & practice: how to support sustainable consumption in the Global South, in presence in Bonn

Please register here:

Deadline for registration: 30 May 2022 (policy & practice event in presence)
9 June 2022 (scientific workshop online)
Contact for registration issues: [email protected]


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