The Bonn Water Network*) cordially invites you to its session at the Daring Cities 2021 conference on Thursday, October 7, 2021, 12:00 am 01:00 pm (CET, online).

Climate change impacts cities in manifold ways and often affects water resources: floods and other natural hazards damage urban infrastructure, drinking water quality can deteriorate, and pressure on surrounding water-based ecosystems can increase. The Bonn Water Network (BWN) invites you to its session at the Daring Cities Conference focusing on how local water action can contribute to strengthen climate resilience. The Network bundles the capacities of ten renowned, Bonn-based institutions working on water and related issues in international research, development policy and training.

After welcoming words by Dr. Annabelle Houdret (German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik, DIE), speaker of the network, our panel discussion focuses on concrete examples of and lessons learned from water action to strengthen resilience. Diego Jara (International Union for the Conservation of Nature, IUCN) will explain how mangrove conservation in Ecuador constitutes a natural infrastructure to protect coastal cities; Abby Ortega (Center for Development Research, ZEF) will report how better governance and stakeholder participation can improve urban drainage for flood resilience in Colombia; and Dr. Simone Sandholz (United Nations University, UNU) will share her insights gained from a large global study on ecosystem-based risk reduction. Prof. Dr. Thomas Kistemann (Institute for Hygiene and Public Health, IHPH) will then explain successful approaches to prevent negative impacts of climate change on drinking water.

© Maria Horstmann, 2021

After the panel discussion, the UN-Habitat Global Water Operators’ Partnerships Alliance will show a short video on how peer-to-peer-learning between water operators can improve resilient urban water supply and sanitation systems. We will then open the floor for a debate with the public, allowing for direct exchange with the different experts. Finally, Kobie Brand (ICLEI Deputy Secretary-General and Director of the Cities Biodiversity Center) will give closing remarks.

Registration: Daring Cities 2021 takes place on Hopin, a virtual conference platform. The free registration will give you access to Hopin and a ticket to Daring Cities 2021:

Looking forward to seeing you soon at the Daring Cities 2021!