Thursday – Friday, February 16th-17th, 2017
Atlantic Congress Hotel Essen, Norbertstr. 2a, 45131 Essen, Germany


The conference addresses the multiple functions of green infrastructure in the sustainable transformation of cities. It aims to critically reflect the planning and implementation of green infrastructure in cities and regions across Europe.
Particular attention is paid to the long-term management of green infrastructure at the background of recent economic trends in spatial development on the one hand and new approaches of participation and empowerment on the other. Thus, the conference contributes to introduce the concept of green infrastructure into political debates based on a critical review of conceptual discussions as well as planning practice.

The conference fee is 100 €.
The number of participants is limited. Registrations will be taken into account according to the order of the payments. If your registration cannot be considered, you will be notified.

Programme, online registration and transfer

Contact / Information
Mario Reimer
Phone: +49 (0)231 90 51 268
E-Mail: [email protected]

Registration / Organisation
Julia Risse
Phone: +49(0) 231 90 51 154
Fax: +49(0) 231 90 51 155
E-Mail: [email protected]